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Vision Boarding Your Way to a Successful 2021

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Vision boarding has become a popular means of setting intentions across social media, but there really is power in the pudding. I create a vision board every year, sometimes even updating or making a new one half way through the year to refocus myself on my goals.


Whether or not you’re the New Year’s resolution type, or a believer in good juju, or just someone looking for a little more guidance in the new year, I think sitting down and creating a beautiful and comprehensive space for your goals, personal, monetary, and otherwise, is a smart habit to create. I find January to be one of the most overwhelming months of the year because I always feel pressured to jump into the new year steadfast and focused, when in reality I spend more time on the couch, binge watching TV than doing literally anything else. Allowing myself to take the month slowly and take my time creating goals and working toward my prime works the best for me and has shown me that rest is needed, and perfection doesn’t happen overnight.


To start my vision boarding process, I sit down and note four or five major goals I want to work toward within the next 12 months. My goals generally don’t have much to do with substantial things or monetary goals, I prefer to choose a few goal-pushing habits that’ll help my mental and physical health. I feel like staring at a new purse every day doesn’t do much for me, but I know that isn’t a general feeling for most people. I’ve found I need a few subtle reminders to remain focused on my mental and physical health every day because when I’m stressed or feeling overworked those are the first things to fly out the window.

Once I’ve chosen my goals, I pick a color to resonate with in the year. I know that sounds crazy, but I pick a stone or crystal that represents and brings forth qualities I want to see within myself and within my year. For example this year I chose aquamarine. Not only a great early 2000’s movie, aquamarine represents rebirth, loyalty, vitality, and hope. I found these themes resurfaced a lot within my resolutions for the year. From there I take to Pinterest and the Internet to find images of what I want throughout the year, quotes that make me feel empowered, and also create an overall pleasing aesthetic, because hey I’m going to see it every d

ay I want it to be cute. I use the app Piccollage to create my board because it allows you to cut out images in any shape you want and layer pictures to create a full collage. There are also apps like PicMonkey that do similar things. You can also go old school and create a collage from paper or magazine scraps.


After your board is created it is up to you whether or not you want a physical copy. I leave mine electronic and set it as my laptop and iPad homescreens. This allows me to see it every day without putting any more holes in my rented apartment walls.

I’ve attached my vision board and ones from years past for inspiration and tangibility. Vision boarding is an amazing craft that sets you up for success. There is no right or wrong way to do it, only your way. Good luck! Let’s crush 2021!!

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